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current specialized investment products

Beacon Consumer Holdings Inc. (“BeaCH”) offers eligible investors the opportunity to be part of the large and growing consumer financing industry. BeaCH has consolidated a network of Canadian loan originators who generate consumer loans that meet our rigid criteria and standards.
Centurion is an income & capital growth oriented investment trust that invests in a diversified portfolio of mortgages and opportunistic real
estate developments
Enercapita is an oil and gas energy trust based in Calgary, Alberta. Enercapita raises capital and deploys that capital in the purchase of producing oil and gas assets.
Equicapita acquires stable cash-flowing businesses and passively streams that income to investors
Ginkgo business consists in lending money principally to individuals, for the purpose of acquiring developing, maintaining or upgrading residential and other real property, against the security of a mortgage granted on such property.
The investment objective of Gravitas Select Flow-Through Limited Partnership III is to provide its limited partners with a tax assisted investment in a portfolio of flow-through shares of primarily select Canadian precious and base metal resource and oil & gas exploration, development and producing companies.
ICM is a tax-advantaged income-producing investmenttrust providing qualified investors an opportunityto invest in a portfolio of select income and growth generating U.S. commercial properties.
Pacific Landing Set on over 12 acres of waterfront, overlooking a protected lagoon, surrounded by miles of forest, PACIFIC LANDING is unlike anything else available on the market today.
Pavilion Flow-Through investment targets small cap and private investments in the oil & gas, alternative energy and mining sectors. Pavilion Flow-Through is a portfolio diversifier, as well as a great tool for sheltering income.
Prime Real Estate Group’s specialty is in commercial real estate optimization. They acquire prime zoned land in the path of development and formulate a best use for that land while remaining market driven and flexible to changing market conditions.
Swift River Farm and Water is a limited partnership farm property investmententity established to take advantage of the compelling supply / demand dynamics in agricultural commodities and freshwater supplies to accumulate land holdings in the Lake Diefenbaker region of Saskatchewan
Walton Development and Management L.P. offers expertise in land planning, development, project finance, and marketing. Through their activities across North America, they collaborate and partner to create master planned communities incorporating smart growth principles.
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This information is inherently limited in scope and does not contain all of the applicable terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of the
investment described herein. Consult the OM for investment conditions, risk factors, minimum requirements, fees and expenses, and other pertinent information with respect to this investment. Exempt Market Securities are offered and sold through Privest Wealth Management Inc.